FLL Philippines 2021

This year’s CARGO CONNECT challenge is for your robot to deliver cargo to different forms of transportation or target locations around the field. Your robot must activate mission models that represent transportation safety,  efficiency, connection, and access.


1. FLL Challenge Robot Game Table Building Instructions
2. FLL Challenge Cargo Connect Robot Game Rulebook
3. FLL Challenge Cargo Connect Overview
4. DepEd Advisory 2022
5. FLL Cargo Connect Overall Rank

FLL Challenge “Cargo Connect”
1. Champion’s Award (trophy + medals)
2. Robot Game Awards(trophy + medals)
3. Project Awards (trophy + medals)
4. Core Values Awards (trophy + medals)
5. Rising Star (medals + certificates)
6. Robot Design Award (trophy + medals)
7. Adult Mentor Award (medals + certificate)
8. Against All Odds Award (certificates)
9. Gracious Professionalism Award  (medals + certificates)
1. JapEr Memorial High School
2. Dr. Yanga’s Colleges Inc.
3. De La Salle “Santiago” Zobel School
4. Mines Elementary School
5. Batasan Hills National High School
6. Top Link Global College Inc.
7. St. Patrick School of Quezon City-Team A
8. St. Patrick School of Quezon City-Team B
9. Chinese International School

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