FELTA Multi-Media Inc., has been appointed the Exclusive Distributor by Ace Learning Ltd. Pte, Singapore for Singapore Math On-Line systems.
Singapore Math On-line workshops were held at the Astoria Plaza Hotel for Math Teachers as they engage in hands-on experience on the features of the system. FELTA Master Math Teacher Trainers conducted the training which was attended by private schools and officials from the Department of Education.
Ace Learning Math system owns 94% of the Singapore Math On-line market in Singapore. The Math On-line system includes Animated Lessons, Lesson Briefs, Revision notes, Offline lessons, over 35,000 differentiated questions with fully worked solutions, concept reinforcement, Multi-criteria performance ranking, Games Center, worksheets, customized syllabus, as some of its many features.
FELTA and Ace Learning Ltd. Pte. aims to revolutionize Math Learning in the Philippines!