FELTA Multi-Media Inc. organized the 1st Philippine Robotics Excellence Summit (North) at Dr. Yanga’s Colleges Inc. for School Administrators, ICT Heads, STEM Coordinators, Teachers, and other stakeholders on how the Robotics Program can produce quality education for the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Inquiry Based Solutions Strategy for STEM Beyond the competitions , STEM for Early Learners and Advance Robotics for College were some of the topics discussed. Mayor Jonnie Villanueva , Mayor – Bocaue, Bulacan attended the event hosted by Dr. Michael Yanga , School President , Dr. Yanga Colleges Inc. DYCI has the first and only ROBOT MUSEUM and Robotics Makerspace in the Philippines.Hands on Robotics workshop was conducted after the plenary talks. Only the BEST is good enough for Philippine schools!