FELTA -TESDA High Level Alignment Meeting

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) , the Philippines’ Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) authority, responsible for developing and improving the Filipino workforce’s skills through quality technical education and skills development programs.

TESDA sets direction, promulgates relevant standards, and implements programs geared towards quality assured and inclusive technical education and skills development and certification system.

Felta MultiMedia is a partner of TESDA for ASEAN Worldskills Philippines  2025. Felta Multi-Media Inc won the bid to host the World Robot Olympiad Philippines  Open Championship 2025 to be participated in by 28 countries and TESDA is a partner government agency.

TESDA Secretary Francisco “Kiko” Benitez and FELTA President/ CEO Mylene Abiva with TESDA TVET and Community Based Partnership Deputy Director Nelly Dillera, FELTA Brand Activation Officer Jed Abiva Sazon and FELTA Master Robotics Trainer Annalyn Aban had an alignment meeting for partnership and collaboration to strengthen the TESDA mandate in technical education and skills development of the Filipino youth and workforce instilling a culture of innovativeness and deep sense of nationalism.

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