Science Technology Information Institute (STII-DOST) DOST embrace a collaborative strategy to promote common advocacies and programs for the public good. STII-DOST invited FELTA Multi-Media , a pioneer partner to the Brown Bag Meeting of Development Partners 2023 held last 25 April 2023, 2:00-5:00 PM at the Mini Theater of the DOST-STII Building, DOST. Felta MultiMedia President/ CEO Mylene Abiva joined the event.
During this meeting, STII-DOST shared with partners what the DOST, including their attached agencies and regional offices, has done and is currently doing composed of flagship programs and projects that support our current development strategies, namely: Wealth Creation, Wealth Protection, Human Well-being, and Sustainability, under our new advocacy called oneDOST4Uscientists, researchers, and media practitioners.
Through the years, DOST have created several milestones to create a culture of science in the country to drive socioeconomic development to greater heights.
FELTA is a proud partner of DOST since year 2003