In 1999, FELTA Multi-Media Inc., forged a partnership with LEGO Education to establish Robotics Education integrated in Basic Education in schools in the Philippines. It was a challenging journey but after 20 years, FELTA continues to be the leader and trail blazer in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in the country. From 8 brave schools now over 1,200+ schools (public and private) have integrated Robotics Technology in the curriculum as part of the STEM (Science, Technology , Engineering and Mathematics) track. Over 150,000+ have participated in the Philippine Robotics Olympiad and wherein the awardees represented the Philippine Robotics National Team in the World Robot Olympiad . Mylene Abiva , President/ CEO, FELTA Multi-Media Inc., recently attended the LEGO Education Partner Conference 2019 to get insights on how set the future road map . At LEGO Education, there is a motto ” ONLY THE BEST is Good enough” . Therefore, schools should only partner with the BEST in Robotics Technology. More power!