The Philippine Robotics Academy offers integration of a Robotics Learning program from Grade 4- 12 which provides students with extended content and skills essential to the design and operation of robotics systems, including artificial intelligence, specialized sensors, electronic applications, engineering technologies, environmental physics, manufacturing, topographical considerations, programming communications, simulation, modeling and critical thinking skills.
The PRA package includes, Robotics Curriculum and Mapping (Grade 4-12), Robotics textbook per student, LEGO NXT Base Set Kits #9797, Computer Laptops, Robotics Teacher’s Manual, Quarterly Robotics Teacher’s Training, Robotics Certification for Teachers (Level 1-3), LEGO Education prizes for “Best in Robotics Awards” and Technical Mentoring for the Philippine Robotics Olympiad and FLL Philippines.
Dr. Yangas College Inc.in Bocaue, Bulacan and Claret School of Quezon City have signed a Contract for the establishment of the Philippine Robotics Academy in their respective schools and have both been certified as a Robotics Center of Excellence. St. Michael College of Laguna has also signed a Contract and will be accredited in two (2) years for the Certification as a Robotics Center of Excellence. Several schools nationwide have been coordinating with FELTA Multi-Media Inc. for the establishment of PRA in their school campuses.