The Quezon City government’s investments in the Quezon City Science Interactive Center represent an investment, not only in the quality of science education in our City’s public schools but in remarkably improving the City and the country’s human resource assets, they also represent a strategic initiative to influence the direction of the City towards a technology-anchored growth. The QCISC is a functioning science laboratory for the City’s fourth-year public school students.
The QCISC , the Philippine’s first science interactive center, was launched last May 5, 2010 by then Quezon City Mayor Feliciano “SB” Belmonte Jr. (he is now Speaker of the House of Congress). FELTA Multi-Media is the partner in conceptualization and implementation , as well as concreting the plans for the QCISC with the assistance of Salvador M. Enriquez Jr., who heads the QC Polytechnic University and the QC-LGU’s Technical Assistance Committee.
Last December 1, 2011, the new Mayor Herbert “Bistek” Bautista blessed and re-launched the QCISC with COMPLETE components. The facility was opened to QC public school students in January 3, 2011.
The building features 8 learning centers, composed of 7 laboratories and an exhibit gallery. In addition, it has an electronic library, ROBOTICS Room, Auditorium, Observatory and a Planetarium.
The Quezon City Interactive Science Center (QCISC) is located at the Division of City Schools Compoung, Nueva Ecija St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City. (tel) 407-2242/ 456-0343 or contact FELTA Multi-Media Inc., (tel) 912-1397 or email: felta@pldtdsl.net.ph or visit www.felta.ph